Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Artist Trading Cards

These are fun to create. They're small, about the size of a playing card but you can frame them and they make wonderful little collectors items.

I just started creating these. I really enjoy it because they allow me to try out different ideas or recreate small versions of larger paintings I have created. It's almost addicting! Anyhow, they are a great way to get a little sample of an artists work. They usually are not very costly and most that I have seen are of good quality. I know mine are. If you would like to see some, search ACEO on ebay. Here are a few I have created. Some are for sale.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Charleston Basket Ladies - Market Day

My new painting 8 x 10 inches. This painting is for sale.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My New Painting of a Tree

I can't seem to get a very good photo of it. It's very glossy and a glare is created when I try to get a good photo. There is texture and a lot of color. Anyhow, here it is. I will list it as soon as I can get a good photo of it.

This is an Abstract, the size is 24 x 30 on Stretched Canvas

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Why Do I Sell On Ebay?

I've asked myself this question a million times. I don't think I ever would have gotten up enough nerve to present my art to someone to purchase. I started on ebay in November of 2003. I listed some small, simple watercolor paintings. One was of some pears, I listed it for $10.00 and it sold. Now, I had never sold any of my art before then. I was thrilled that not only someone wanted one of my paintings, but that they actually paid to get it! That $10.00 meant a lot to me and I never cashed the check!

After that sale, there were many others and my final selling price increased over time. When I began painting and selling online, I had a 1 year old and a 3 year old, so it allowed me to earn a little extra money on the side. It also encouraged me to accelerate my creativity. I was able to buy more supplies with my earnings and I was able to have one thing outside of being a wife and mother that was mine. I enjoy painting and it keeps me from drowning in the unappreciated role of mother, maid, cook and wife. Now do not get me wrong. I love my family. I love taking care of them. I love doing things for them. I would not trade them for anything in this world. I would give up my art career in a heartbeat if it interfered with them. What I mean is that I had something else that defined me, that gave me some satisfaction. I think there are a lot of mothers out there who feel unsatisfied only for the fact that they are in constant doubt about their decisions. Being a parent is a lot of mental anguish. Someone once said that having a child is like wearing your heart on your sleeve, and I agree with them. There's no greater joy or pain than loving a child.

I know I feel like a failure a good bit, as far as parenting is concerned. It's hard to be perfect. It's hard to do right for yourself much less someone else. To be responsible for someone else's well being. There's a lot to live up to and heavy consequences if you fail.

With my art, I get to let some of that go for a while. I get to lose myself in a painting for a little while. It's nice! And if the painting is a success. I get to bask in that instant payoff. One, that someone liked my painting enough to pay for it, and two to know a little part of me is out there somewhere, in someone's life and hopefully, I get to take them a little somewhere while they look at my creation.

Please visit my website to learn more about me www.artbysarahdavis.com

A Success!

The Big Cats Charity Auction was a success! I am so proud to be a member of that group. It's nice to be able to help out animals a little bit at a time. Not to mention we bring awareness and attention to them. My next project will be for people but that will be a while away.

We raised over $1,300 with one auction on ebay for a Chairty that was in need. There are also many smaller charity projects in the works, so please check back. I promise to update you.

On to my next painting. I just listed these last night and they are up on auction. You can view them at http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ25QQsassZsimba1025

Sunday, August 06, 2006

My Newest Painting, just finished

12 x 16 inches on Masonite Board

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Charleston Basket Lady Painting

My newest painting up for sale. "The Charleston Basket Lady"

16 x 20 inches
Original Oil Paint on Canvas. The painting is stretched and the sides are staple free.

Email: iluvelucy@aol.com if you should have any questions. Thanks!